25 March, 2009

I Love CMS..!!

People generally regard teaching as a low paying, non status, unimportant, easily aquired, niggardly, lustre lack job. Given the choice, nobody would choose it while those who are already in it are usually because of some constraint. Ask them why they are here you will get
pretty reasons, none stating they are here because they specifically chose it. Ask them if they like the job. "Nope." is the prompt answer. Such is the mindset of most people here.

I was a class xi student when I started teaching; I had the same mindset described above and the purpose to do so was to earn pocket money and become independent. Within a month, I discovered I was cut out for this job.I joined a small primary school. Despite extreme work pressure, dirty politics, unfair administration, popular work escape culture, unavailabel resources, air tight mismanagement and a bird-cage like work atmosphere I was thoroughly enjoying my work much to the amazement and dismay of all others.
And then I joined CMS - the most unusual school in the world.

CMS is a Guinness Book of World Record holder for having maximum number of students in a single city ; it has 22 branches and a whopping 30,000 students.
Well, this was all I knew when I joined it as a Pre primary teacher; and before the first week was out I had fallen head over heels in love with it.
The school premises was so beautiful and spotlessly clean all around inside as well as out. The red carpetted marble Pre Primary gallery flanked on both sides with huge children's activity boards, the increadibly lively and colorful classrooms, huge green playground bordered on all sides with flags of all countries fluttering gracefully, the luxuriently lit beautiful auditorium... everything about this school was a picture of perfection.
The classroom and the prayer assembly became especially close to my heart. All classrooms were prettily and faultlessly furnished according to nursery style, having all montessori apparatus, developmental toys, personal care articles and plenty of picture story books. We had plastic mats which children knew how to spread on floor and settle down to play, a tiny wiper and dustpan and brush which they loved to use to learn cleaning up themselves, a tray with a jug and glass to learn serving, pouring and handling activities, a mirror and a comb to tidy themselves, huge display boards having lots of themed educational picture charts and the birthday section where children's names were put with their birth dates.

I loved my class. It was the most endearing place for me. Being with children was like being with God. It drove all personal thoughts and emotions out of my mind. I enjoyed the pure and innocent company of children where even the shadow of any evil is out of question. My class
was my whole world and the school became my second home. I actually used to feel sorry when it was time for me to go home.
The prayer Assembly used to be the highlight of my day. It used to be a half hour long affair where under the supervision and guidence of music and dance teacher, the children learnt to sing nursery rhymes, prayer songs, dance, deliver school pledge, exercise etc accompnied with
beautiful music. I could almost feel myself getting connected with God at the time those prayer songs were sung.The feeling was so overwhelming that tears would start in my eyes and goose bumps rose. For me, even today, Rupali the dance/music teacher and Sanjeev the music teacher who played the casio, are the best singers/musicians in the world.
Although many would consider it an overstatement, for me its plain, stark, naked truth. I have visited many prominent religious places in India like varanasi, Mathura, Gokul, Ayodhya, Tirupati, Meenakshi etc but I have never come across that utter peace, serenity, spirituality,
divinity and above all presence of God which seemed to overflow in those prayer assemblies.

I was divinely happy and incredibly contented there.This school offered me a huge platform to exercise all the talents I possessed. By nature I am an artistic and a creative person. I loved to decorate my class, paint, sketch, organise and conduct cultural activities, elocution, dramatics etc. etc. Many felt convinced I was trying to impress authorities; they had no idea I was merely pleasing myself and the creative urge within me.
It was funny to see how I was mostly regarded with admiration, a bit of envy and even threat. But nobody, simply nobody quite understood my love for school or my love for teaching.
I run into people from all walks of life and from all age groups and almost all of them regard it boringly funny of me. They can't imagine how can anyone love teaching of all things..!
Till date I have not met with anyone whose passion for teaching or work matches mine.

Almost four years have passed now. I have got married and have a baby less than a year old. I live in a different city. I am now a full time stay at home mom. I remain busy 24x7; yet, I have been unable to forget my incredible, incomparable CMS in any possible way. It continues to haunt me in memories and dreams and it appears will always do so. Sometimes when I am alone with my baby I find myself singing those nostalgic nursery rhymes and songs to him which I used to sing in those prayer assemblies.
I mean to start working as soon as my baby is a bit older but Alas ! I can never hope to get another school like CMS again.

I love CMS.