30 August, 2010

Witch Bitch......That's her.

I don't particularly like to bitch about anyone but some people in my world throw me exceptions. The latest one to do so is J.

She is exactly the person for whom ' Bitch' word has been coined. She is one hellish person to be around with, every bit the stuff the imaginary vamps in fictional films are made of - attire, make up, expression, activity, behavior all inclusive. The more you see her, the less you like her. How can she be so horrible is but a small question; the bigger one is how could H have fallen in love with her and married her ? Can really anyone be so blind as to mistake a witch for a fairy princess? I doubt...!

Her crimes are endless. Any attempt to elaborate or even simply enlist them would not only be endless but futile too but more than that it would be most boring document ever to read as it can only contain all negative adjectives one can dare imagine. An extravagant shopoholic, concieted bragart,  over dominant and utterly vain...these are the keywords to describe her. Her every little activity or conversation is a well calculated move generated solely for the purpose of showing off. She is as great a show off as I don't know what. It is her most passionate hobby; she litrally lives and breathes to do so. I tell you, you can't spend more than 10 minutes in her company without feeling nauseated and wondering which planet she has dropped from..

I hate the very expressions on her face. They are always so entirely devoid of any softness. The way she flashes her eye with a hard steely glitter, or smiles with that thin line like mouth which since ages and ages has been declared a sure sign of ruthlessness. But still the tone of her voice can be even more hateful and disgusting than her entire face; it reeks to death of artificial notes, arrogance, premeditated calculation, arrogance, vanity and dirty show off.

All this would hardly have mattered to me but for the fact that I feel deeply sad for her first and worst victims of her bad behavior namely G, her little toddler daughter and H, her husband.
 H is a picture of silent suffering and untold misery. In all respects he is a perfect gentleman a kind, generous, polite, helpful, friendly and hard working man, but as much trampled under her feet as a dandelion under an elephant's foot, he now looks resigned to his fate; he has not a shred of personal respect, social prestige natural freedom or personal happiness left for all of these have been butchered down by J by her publicly flung insults, scoldings, open disregards, and just about anything you can imagine except just flinging her shoes on him. Nothing to wonder that he finds solace in deliberately immersing himself in office work, comes late at nights, works even on weekends and avoids pleasure outings.
I would willingly go to state prison for murdering her than facing this hell every moment of my life. In any case, even to think about all this makes me feel murderous. I wonder what stuff H is made of.....

Her little baby has an even greater tragic tale to tell. Abused continually, scolded harshly and neglected criminally, poor G is the saddest baby one can see on this earth. She rarely smiles, and  has acquired the abnormal habit of sitting or standing in one posture for more than an hour without moving, fidgeting, smiling, talking, playing or even wanting to do any of these actions; it is just unearthly to watch her sitting or standing just like a stone statue.
At just 1.5 years of tender age, she broke her arm just because she had been negligently placed on an adult chair at a very dangerous spot. More than twice she has toured the emergency room (and rather mysteriously keeps falling ill ) but again as soon as she was back and but naturally needed lots of time, care and attention to recover, this monster of a mom instead chose to leave her in H's care by hook or crook and went to attend women's party....! Her partying didn't stop even when the poor tiny child was in plasters for a whole month.

Poor G ! Although her home is full of all toys and J has arranged her home furniture with the effect of showing off all the baby utility things she is in possession of, (and if you as much as cast a glance in any one of them's direction she will concietedly tell you which country she bought it from and how much bucks she paid for it.) most of the time G is too afraid to cry and she never smiles because she never feels happy from inside..... I had the bad luck of witnessing her second birth day party and believe me, it was a tragic spectacle.
To begin with, She scheduled the party not on the actual date but at some later convenient date so that everyone got to see her stuff without having a chance to excuse himself out. Despite invitations she made several calls alongside just to ascertain that everyone was really coming.
As per her vampish nature, she had organised a huge party. She sent out bogus 'Royal' invitations for a Royal party for a Princess that was G and called herself a Queen. She demanded that all children coming to the party be dressed up as princes or knights (which nobody did.) Without the slightest need for both, she rented a community hall and employed a photographer for the event, and had the nit whit to dress in a black shoulder less ball gown ( with a barrel shaped figure to support it )coupled with thickly black kohled eyes, tomato red lipstick and black jewelery, she looked a perfect witch just minus her broom. A character straight out of Harry Potter films......!

She had accordingly dressed G in a giant pink robe but far from looking like a b'day kid or even a special kid poor G looked  as miserable as Cinderella does in picture story books when she is ordered to scrub floors instead of going to the royal party. She just kept standing there mute and dumb, motionless and expressionless beside the huge b'day cakes which were meant for her. The sight and sound of so many other children playing gleefully in every corner of the hall and the so many interesting things like balloons and other decorations which only the children know are so damn interesting  did nothing to tempt her to even want to move and reach out to them.
It was a horrible sight to see such a small innocent little child so fixed to the ground in terror and so unhappy amidst such revelry going on all around her.
After the cake cutting, she invited all the couples for incredibly stupid adult games one after the other instead of something for the kids considering it was after all a kid's b'day party. She continued to conduct them while little G kept standing or later sitting in some obscure corner totally forgotten. The party really had begun to look like an adults party.....

 A question often irks me; Is H so humble, meek and timid because of J's behavior or is J so cruel and wicked towards H because of  his ineffectual, super gentleness. A woman can never respect her man if he is timid or doesn't assert himself but what can a man do if her woman is or decides to be a witch? With H always harried and well under her hooves, I wonder what their bedroom scenes must be like, that is, if they still have any....It remains a favorite chat topic between me and S to speculate what and how they manage the inevitables of married life, the most favorite one being,' Open the button.' 'Yes madam. Say thank you. Thank you madam.   .

I swear, I do not want to see her face again although it being a small place we still keep bumping into each other rather frequently but whenever we do so, I make sure I do not give her any opportunity to brag and show. I keep minimum conversation and that too when it is absolutely unavoidable. On another occasion I saw G again in company of both her parents and as usual she was sitting alone and motionless like a statue and when I took her in my arms she became so happy and animated with real happiness that I wanted to keep her with me forever. Whenever I think of G, I clap H tightly in my arms and think how unfortunate a child can be if he is not happy and how even more unfortunate those parents are who can't give love and happiness to their children.

December 2010
In November, little G was admitted in my class. I didn't give J any extra importance but handled her just like any other parent but gave lots and lots of love and care to G. Little G became so happy and quickly settled in the school and even made friends with the other children.
 I couldn't help feeling shocked that G had just last night returned from India after her Deewali vacation and was brought to her first day at school early in the morning which must have been so taxing for her.
 I asked general questions about her feeds and J told me that she drinks milk every 2 hrs ! Come on. Even a small infant ideally drinks milk every 3 hours and G is a 2 and half year old kid! Doesn't J know that drinking milk so often can hamper with her solid intake and mess up iron and vitamin levels? She told me she is a very fussy eater and doesn't eat at all. We all observed within 2-3 days that she in fact ate well and full. Maybe, J just never tried hard enough and filled her up on just milk...! Then I asked her to give me her milk bottle as G might have rejected any other bottle from the school. You will never believe this; Her bottle was so so so dirty. Oh my God! I myself would never have thought such black slimy greasy dirt could be found on a small child's milk bottle unless I had seen it myself and also the fact that G was actually drinking out of it...! The nipple and the bottle rim was lined with slimy grease like dirt and I know that baby bottles are washed after every use so they can collect this amount of dirt only when they have not been washed at least for a month...! 

Maybe J was so eaten up with resentment because I didn't give her any importance and treated her coldly almost like a stranger that she decided on quitting the school. She gave the excuse that the school was proving to be too far off from her house especially in current snowy weather. 

So now, G goes to another school where I am sure J gets to show herself off the way she wanted.

21 May, 2010

Emotional Solitude...!!!

I feel terribly misunderstood and emotionally isolated. Nobody understands me for the individual that I am. I hate to be treated or even considered as the mere vegetable type who simply live and eat and sleep. I am different. I feel happy when I am learning something or researching, or following my interests with fiery passion. I am an artist who loves to create and takes singular pride in his creation. I like doing every big or little job with perfection no matter if it costs me no sleep and rest and plenty of strain. Nothing but the perfect and the best from me satisfies me; and anything which prevents me from giving my whole self, time, energy and all to my piece of art irritates me. 

It is surprising how I find each and every work in commonplace life as a canvas where I can make my own creation.  whether it is a new dish, or dressing up my baby, or writing in my blog or teaching the nursery class, taking pictures or studying an individual or finding my way according to a map... they all are like a piece of art to me. Ideally, I wish, I could follow my artistic and scholarly pursuits without any interruption and disturbance but active family life hinders all of it...and then I feel like someone who is getting parched with thirst with the glass of water just within his reach yet he cannot drink it because his hands are tied..!

18 May, 2010

House-Wifing Sucks...!!!

Before I got married, I was working. That occupied me nearly the whole day but still I was mistress of my own life and of my own time.My job was not without problems, tensions and frequent storms and gales. It didn't pay me riches and tired me out completely and yet I could find time to do all those things which I absolutely love doing. I wasn't rich yet my salary was sufficient not just to meet my needs but to keep me perfectly happy and satisfied, so much so that I twice declined promotion opportunities as I didn't wish to barter my precious time with a bigger salary package.

It seems incredible now how house-wifing is changing my life. I have a loving, caring husband and a cute little toddler. I am financially comfortably well off and don't work. I am a house wife..a stay at home mom and just that. House wife is just a decent synonym for  an unpaid, unappreciated but indispensable, full time servant. 
Not being any exception to this, my family life keeps me busy round the clock. I am all the time either cooking or washing dishes, laundering, cleaning or feeding and cleaning or attending to my child. I strive to steal a few moments just for myself and my interests but that is possible only when S is out, H is asleep and I do not have any other task of imminent importance. I love sleeping but again I can only sleep when S is out and H is asleep. I love reading books but neither there's time nor S and H would let me do that if I had any. S begins feeling lonely and H thinking its a new thing to play with, starts snatching the book. The last book I had read was two and a half year ago when H was not yet born.I love writing but this is coming to a stop too. The moment I pick up my pen, writing book or laptop some house chores or S or H start demanding my presence and I have to tuck away my thoughts or tasks for a more convenient time - which comes after several weeks or months ! My personal and physical grooming has been worst hit. Currently, a year has elapsed since I got a hair cut and my eye brows trimmed; this sounds almost unearthly !!! 

I stay at home the entire day doing house chores, go out for grocery shopping every week and sometimes visit Ss friends or colleagues and of course my language school and this is another irony. Before marriage, I had my colleagues and sundry friends to talk to. Post marriage, I have nobody. S keeps busy in watching matches and films and delights in talking only with his friends and I don't consider his colleagues's wives as my friends. In any case, I never was one to make a swarm of friends; I had always enjoyed following my hobbies and interests much more than anything but now unfortunately I can't even do that. 

I am inclined to think, this is the worst and most thankless job in the world. A house wife works interminably from morning to night and her man wonders what could she possibly have done to make her this tired. He as well as all the family members think its something funny to throw rubbish, empty chips packets on the carpet and slide empty tea cup below the sofa which your baby picks up and breaks or smears its dirty residue on the freshly vacuumed carpet. Leaving wet towels on living room sofa, dirty shoes in the bedroom are just 2-3 instances out of at least a million. I remember, once S had left wet towels on bed before going off on a month long vacation. Well, the bed cover, mattress and pillows were horribly destroyed by black stinking, fluffy mould. Just a few days back, he allowed H to play with wax candles while he was immersed in watching cricket match right beside him. H happily crumbled the wax and made a fine powder of it, then started rolling himself on it This covered his hair, face, nails, clothes, sweater and socks with wax;  where ever he sat even for a moment transferred it and it even got firmly stuck on the wooden flooring throughout the house. You can't even imagine what hell I went through in cleaning this sticky and powdery wax from all of these places. I immediately had to put H in a bath and shampoo, take off dirty bed covers, pillow covers  and H's clothes in the machine, put on new covers, and clean the floor but the wax had so badly stuck that I had to scrape it off  using a kitchen knife on my all fours. Taking away the candles from H would have taken only half a minute - it took me 3 hours to clean the mess !

This housewifing stuff is taking a huge toll from me inside and out. The endless cooking and cleaning and other chores from morning till midnight exhausts me leaving no time and stamina for exercise. My physical personality is fast changing from a smart, trim and prim, attractive girl to the dangerous specie of behanji, bhabhiji type who have ceased growing mentally but rapidly grow physically, who are great kitchen dragons, eternally cooking and washing, for whom buying tomatoes for curry is more important than lipstick and eye liner, for whom receiving a  new serving spoon or floor brush as gift is more thrilling than a new bracelet or a skirt, whose sole feat lies in producing perfect dinners and sparkling wash room mirrors, who guard their fabric stain removing secrets more possessively than their email passwords.... 
Oh I can go on and on with bated breath. I am afraid to look in a mirror and absolutely hate myself for meticulously remembering what to buy this weekend in grocery store. I am scared, having forced to use only 2 percent of my intelligence will rust down my brains like an unused knife. Wait a minute, I think, I am already smelling rust in there...

Oh well, I love my family well enough but being a house wife is a bit too costly and is becoming costlier still since I gave birth to H. The demands on my time have increased so much that I can't help feeling frustrated and miserable. I can work hard and live without a lot of luxury and comfort but I can't live without my interests and pursuits.Give me a book, a writing pad, a pen, an internet and I am the happiest person on earth.
Well, didn't I say '' A Scholar at Heart'' ? 

S's mother was a long suffering house wife. She had worked harder and endured unimaginable eccentricities of  her husband more than any  can imagine. When her daughters and relatives criticised her for suffering almost without complaint and happily, she replied,'' Oh well, after all, people who work in offices have to endure their boss. I am after all enduring only my husband. What's wrong if I consider him as my boss and my home as my office? Isn't it the same thing ?''
A great reply no doubt but one I would never want to follow....!