26 October, 2009

My German Class

My German class is so interesting.
It had 14 members initially but 2-3 people dropped off in the middle so now we are just 11 in the whole class.

The first one is Beh-jad from Iraq.
She didn’t tell us her age but she is roughly 40 yrs or more. She looks so severe and heavy masculine featured almost like a Babur or Humayun type female with  a big, heavy square face, very severe features, hair pulled so tightly back from the forehead that you can actually see their roots and forever a stern expression that well scares you out. She is polite enough and applies well at studies but definitely she is not one to pick a fight with. She seems well capable of beating the life out of you with her expression alone.
Just too often, she appears to be cursing the teacher for making her do exercises and etc.
I often steal looks at her and want very much to draw her face.

Marieta from Kosovo
She is one pretty, sexy lass with a sexy figure and an attractive face even though her features are not good at all. She is also very sweet and simple natured. Funny thing is she has a German husband for more than 3-4 years but still knows no German at all. I delight watching her taking an extensive body stretch with a long yawn after every exercise and it’s a record : whenever she is addressed by the teacher she starts violently and then in vain tries to locate where the class was reading the so and so passage from until the teacher beseeches,” Merita, bitte”
Its so hilariously funny…!

Next is Aziza from Kosovo. A youngish strictly burka clad pregnant woman who I never knew was pregnant because she wore such huge gents shirts. Can you imagine a woman of size 36 wearing gents clothes size xxxl..?
I used to think she must be sort of poor types to wear clothes of her husband. Nothing interesting about her except just the dress part. She remains quiet until spoken to by the teacher, has no friends or if she has, she doesn’t speak to them and does okay at studies. It makes absolutely no difference to class whether she is present or absent.
Anyways, she didn’t appear in her test as she is in the final stages of her pregnancy. Good luck to her.

Waheeda from Afganistan.
She was an Indian looking type female who knew a tiny bit of Hindi courtesy watching Indian Cinema. She was also pregnant so she dropped out.

Lendita form Kosovo.
She is a smart woman of more than 40 years. Looks great, speaks great, has a very attractive powerful sort of voice that makes you want to look again to see who is speaking. She is a very good student too. I have seen her taking much pains at making daily notes. Earlier she wasn’t interested in talking to me but when she realized that I solved the exercises quickly and correctly she started befriending me. Now she and I sit together. During lessons and even during tests she likes peeping in my book and make corrections in her own answers. During class exercises and conversation drills, simulations and roll playing we like talking to each other almost always giving the best, funniest or most interesting examples.

Mehtab G.
 A smart, well dressed, perfectly capable of looking after herself, worldly looking woman who can speak nothing but Turkish. Although staying in Germany since 9 consistent years and then spending another 7 months in Deutsch SprachSchule in addition to working too, she has been painfully unable to learn anything beyond “Wie heissen sie?” Even this question at times cannot be framed in the right manner.  It has not yet been established whether her inability ensues from willful ignorance or some genetic cause. However, she rarely  does her Hausaufgaben, rarely responds correctly and really never applies her mind or attention in class towards studies. On top of it, she wears such an accursed, impatient, irritated plaguey expression on her face that clearly seem to be telling what choicest of abuses she is mentally hurling at the teacher for making her suffer and appears to want to murder in cold blood all those students who actively participate in class.
Whenever she is asked any question by the teacher, she immidietly askes Fatma, another turkish woman, what the teacher has asked, then she gets the answer from Fatma in German and merely repeats it.
In yesterday’s test, when the teacher asked her to make a sentence on 'cycle' in German , she said her cycle has gone for a walk…and we all had to keep looking normal even after this.
As a teacher, I think such a pupil can be quite sickening!

Thido comes from Vietnam.
She is normal looking girl in all respects but wait until you hear her speak. She hideously pronounces ‘S’ as ‘F’ and ‘T’ so schreiben becomes treiben or freiben, zur as shooor, heissen becomes heiten, and so on. to add more to my enjoyment and the teacher’s woes, she speaks faster than the metro train, so it is practically impossible to understand her. Her speech sounds more like bud boot bud boot of water furiously boiling than any normal human language.
Today the teacher asked us to make any sentence using 'because' in German; well, Thido made the sentence, 'I cannot speak good German because German is a bad language !'
The teacher looked so offended !

Chancel from Turky comes next.
She is in early 40, sensible, normal in every aspect, student type who works to learn something but neither too much of it nor too little.

Fatma is from Turkey too.
She is sincere and feels intimidated that there are so many difficult things to learn and master in German.  She has a beautiful little baby daughter whom she loves breastfeeding in full public glare ( at least in the school) with her breast fully exposed to onlookers and which she sometimes even forgets to tuck back in after having finished the feedings. This helped H to discover that there is something women have there which babies rather like !
But apart from that she is really a nice girl. And she does not like Mehtab at all her usual sentence being” 9 years in Germany and still can’t learn heisse heisst?” She also praises me a lot for my ability to learn quickly and retain it.
Alia. She is also from Turkey.
She is a shy, sweet looking youngish girl but has 3 children. She dresses very nicely.  God only knows how she manages to apply so much of make up with 3 children at home. She too strives hard to learn but has her limits. She pronounces very solemnly ‘vater’ as ‘faataah’, ‘mutter’ as ‘motaah, ‘schwester’ as ‘shwetaa’  and ‘haben’ as ‘hhaaaben’ which I rather enjoy imitating at home.

Hurriye from Turkey again. Seems like whole of Turkey has immigrated in Deutschland !
She is pretty looking girl who likes to dress fashionably and speaks good German, learns good enough, solves pretty well all the exercises and has a good lively sense of humor. A nice girl.

Amira from Iraq.
A typical veil wearing muslim women with kohl lined eyes and sharp features and also sharp in behavior. She easily fights or argues, speaks German a lot even though if it is wrong in Grammar, strives really hard to do well in class. The funny part is she speaks German quite easily but reading gives her the jitters. She may have been saying  a word correctly but on seeing it written can’t make out what it is. So her reading goes like,” sc..sch..scr…schr…schra…schri…bane !!!
And she is one great gossip. For every sentence a teacher speaks, Amira has at least 2 stories to tell.
An interesting character.

Drenusha is from Kosovo and she is ok types, not very regular student so she isn’t one of the interesting characters one loves to hear or talk about.The only interesting thing I know about her is that her children eat hot dogs daily...in breakfast...!